Adam- Here is an exotic blend of creations inhabiting this field. Each element attributes to a distinct musical tone. The winds play merrily in our ears.”
Eve- Yes. The trees sing to this tune of the winds. The droplets of water converge to a soft music touching the souls of each life in this small world. The sun and moon provide an umbrella of warmth and chill to our being. The Angels live in harmony with us, respecting our integrity.
Adam- The entire field is one. Look at these birds tweeting merrily in union with what we speak.
Eve- These trees bear fruits which are so alluring. Let’s try this fruit.
Adam- Oh no no no… Not one for that for sure. Father has strictly asked us not to taste the fruits of this Tree.
Eve- I understood that. But why is this one isolated from the other trees. Isnt this one under the nurture and care of Father as well like the rest of the Family?
Adam- Yes of course. This would also be a beautiful creation of Father like us. But let us not disobey Him.
Eve- I understand your intent. Let us enjoy the congregation of our peace.
Unable to stop from overhearing the conversation, the voice came from behind:
Iblis: O the beloved creations of Father, do you think you are the Supreme Ones ?
A&E- Well we have never questioned the might of creations of Father. But we certainly do hold a special place in His thoughts.
Iblis: If you were so special then why have you not been allowed to taste the fruits of this Tree of Life?????? Look at all beings around you.. they are rejoicing their creation for Ages without a speck of degradation. And yet you… born from Mud – would have to eventually go down this earth.
A&E: What is immortality? You wish to say that our being is shortlived? It would perish unless we had the fruit of this Tree? But then why would Father want us to remain mortal? If all creatures here are immortal then how have has our existence merged with them? Why would Father prohibited us from eating the fruits of this tree as it would lead to harm and transgression?
Iblis: Your Father only forbade you this tree, unless you should become angels or such beings as live for ever. Nothing would denigrate you, being the most beautiful creation of your Father once you eat the fruits borne from this Tree.
And so Adam and Eve chose to exercise their gift of higher reasoning and choice. After giving much thoughts and justification to the words of Iblis, they decided to go forward and share the fruit of this Tree. So as to remain immortal , become unperishable and continue to dwell in the nurture of their Father forever.
A bite and another. Both could savour the taste of this fruit merrily with the hope to conquer immortality and turn in to the Supreme Being.
Adam- But Alas, what is happening? I seem to have a greater thinking now. My mind seems to be more adept than the rest of the beings here. But why are all beings here not covering their self. Oh Lord, look at you Eve… how can you remain without any covering on your body?
Eve- It is not only me, but you as well Adam. We are all bare and exposed to the viles of the beings herein. Oh lord how do I protect myself from this Paradise from looking unto me?
And then both wore their shames not only in their body, but in their minds and souls. Adam and Eve hurriedly gathered leaves from the trees to cover themselves.
The Lord stepped in, and said: Did I not forbid you that tree, and tell you that Iblis/Satan was an avowed enemy unto you?
A&E: Father, we have wronged our own souls. Please grant us your mercy or else we would remain lost.
Lord: Then you shall go down to Earth and dwell therein alongwith enmity between yourselves. You shall live and die there itself but you shall emerge from it finally.
And then, as it is said, Adam and Eve descended to Earth carrying the guilt of having made their choices which led to their abandonment from their Creator. The shame for having yielded to the deceptions of Satan/Iblis and therefore move away from their Creator, their home in Eden/Paradise, made them cover themselves. The first awareness that Adam and Eve developed was the nakedness of their bodies and immediately sought cover for themselves.
What was this need for immediate need to cover? As what transpired to me was that prior to the eating of the fruit, they exhibited innocence and were in proximity to the purity of their creation. Soul knew no shame as there was no occasion was carrying any guilt. Their bodies were streaming in oneness with all other beings. Once they made their choice of going against the Order, it was touched by the initial form of guilt and their bodies stood exposed, which necessitated them to cover their guilt with their clothes.
The need to protect the purity of one’s soul emerged. Even in the Bible and Quran and other verses, it is mentioned that God himself provided clothes to Adam and Eve while being sent on Earth for dwelling. With the evolution of human beings, we showed diverse thoughts through our clothings. Some wore clothes tight enough to not let any stray eyes wander to their extremely private body parts. With the passage of time, we as human beings chose to express our freedom of choices or even our sexuality through our various styles of clothing. A few even become the torchbearers of nudity, in a bid to mark their rebellion over the societal norms emphasising on remaining in veil. This mark of rebellion is not in synchrony with the original form of our purity but is nevertheless in the transitional phase.
Here, the clothing is a mark of the thoughts and actions adorned by one. We through the Creator gifted us the most beautiful essence through clothing, ie to beautify the body with the wisdom of our thoughts to facilitate our movement to the highest consciousness of the divinity in our being, rather than considering our clothing only for the purpose of covering our body. Our bodily creation is always adorned by our wisdom of unconditional acceptance of our existence, the ability to reason and merge with our original virtues of Being the One. This would in effect be the key to our understanding of Immortality of our Being.
[PS: The incidents of Adam and Eve may not be the actual version as described in the religious texts as it was purely through my vision. It may bear some resemblances to the Quran and to some extent with the Bible and nothing written above is meant to deviate from either of the Religious Texts.

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