Monday, May 15, 2017

Embracing the Darkness as shadow of Divinity

The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ: As history goes, and has been explained in a few versions, two criminal bandits were crucified alongside Jesus, namely Dismas and Gestas. Crowds had joined in numbers to mock Jesus for portraying himself as the God and spat on his belief of being God. Gestas, who was hung on the cross to the left of Jesus rebukes Him, saying, "Are you not the Messiah? Save yourself and us.” 
In response, Dismas retorts Gestas saying : "Have you no fear of God, for you are subject to the same condemnation? And indeed, we have been condemned justly, for the sentence we received corresponds to our crimes, but this man has done nothing criminal." 
Dismas continues to say, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." He replied to him, "Amen I say to you today you will be with me in Paradise."
As I perceived, I saw the shadow of the cross of Jesus falling on Gestas itself. Thus, representing loss of divinity and in consequence, having been following darkness. 
Many a times we face such situations in life where we witness the helplessness of being able to turn the situations as per our expectations. It is then that we demand and order the Divinity to set things right. However, while seeing it unable to do so, we start rebuking the latter as to why there was no Divine intervention to put things in order. 

Many of us are unable to perceive/understand divinity in our existence. This in turn leads to the belief that our existence was only darkness. With seeing the inability of the Divine to set things in order of our expectations, we choose to stay in darkness. While having been living in Darkness, we tend to avoid this choice of ours as well, seeing the deepest and darkest conflicts of ours having emerged due to being engulfed in the shadows of Darkness.
However, darkness is nothing but the shadow of Light. The recognition, understanding and acceptance of darkness leads us to the beautiful understanding that darkness is an aspect of Light and in fact has more Light absorbed in it.

Taking an example of a stellar black hole, which is formed when the center of a very massive star collapses in upon itself. Thus huge quantities of Light is trapped in it which is beyond our ability to see it. So what we perceive the black hole to be the center of darkness is actually a form of storage of Light. It contains huge amounts of light which we would be eventually ready to see it when we explore and understand the depths of the darkness within.
Also, the shadows of us human beings walk along with us and are inseparable from us. With the understanding of the shadows, it gets merged in us when we are in Light. We are able to see our shadows only in the presence of Light. Light and Darkness are thus inseparable.
As I have gathered the understanding, there is Divinity in Darkness. So only while embracing the shadows of Darkness rather than escape it, do we see the aspect of Divinity within us.
Slowly I have been able to see the beauty of Divine through recognizing, understanding and accepting the Darkness in me. Let us accept the Shadow of Darkness to take us to the Divinity in our being. :)


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  2. In my understanding it's the Shadow of divinity which is being perceived as darkness here but as our focus is on shadow only, we took it as darkness without realizing the divinity.

    Noopur Singhal

    1. Truly said.... Its these shadows which we treat as darkness. Thus Darkness is nothing but a projection of the Divinity. Its all about embracing these shadows of Darkness which is in fact the Divinity within.
